1. How do we get SnapMerchant App?
Snaporder Merchant App can be downloaded from “Play Store”onto your Android device/mobile.
2. How to register on the app?
You can download the app and click on “Sign Up” button. Registration screen is displayed. Enter the details such as store name, store address, delivery area, timings, minimum order amount etc., and click on “Register” button.
3. How to login to the app?
Once the registration is completed. Click on “Sign In” button. Enter registered mobile number and password provided during the registration.
4. How to add products to the app?
There are two methods to add products to the app –
- In Menu option,click on “Manage Products”and click on “+” button to add products.
- You can also directly sync the products from the “Snap Billing Lite” app. To do the same, follow below steps –
- In Snap Billing Lite app, go to settings
- Click on “Enable Snap Order”
- Products will start showing up in the app
5. How to add images to the products?
There are three methods to add images to the products –
- Go to Manage products -> Click on any category of the product and select the product->Click on pencil icon, upload image for the product.
- You can also download the product images from Google and from gallery.
- You can take the photo of the product and upload
6. How to manage store offers?
In menu option -> Go to manage products -> select a product -> Click and enable“On deal” option -> Enter the price at which you want to put it on deal (On deal price should be less than sales price) -> Click on “Submit” button.The product will be set as a deal product in consumer app & will be seen in Store Offers
7. How to manage orders in the app?
You have different sections in the app where you can see “New orders”, “Processed orders” and “Cancelled orders”.
My orders:It shows the list of orders placed by customer. On clicking on any of the order it provides complete details of the order.
Below options are available –
- Edit the quantity of the product in order details
- Print the order under “View Order”
- Directly call or SMS the customer
- Deliver order
- “Cancel” option to cancel the order
- In process:It shows the list of orders which are in process. On clicking on any of the order it provides complete details of the order.Below options are available –
- Edit the quantity of the products in Order details
- Print the order under “View Order”
- Edit the order amount
Delivered:It shows the list of delivered orders.
Cancelled:It shows the list of cancelled orders with the “Reason of Cancellation”
8. Can I get refund for my order upon cancellation or any returns?
SnapOrder is software application provided by Snapbizz Cloudtech Pvt. Ltd. which helps businesses create their own online store and sell products online. Products sold from these stores are not owned by (Snapbizz Cloudtech Pvt. Ltd.) We are just providing a technology solution to help set up an online store, create catalog and sell products online.
What happens to my payment and how to I get my refund in case of order cancellation?
Every order is followed by an update on your SMS & Mobile App which also includes the seller contact details. For any disputes, we request you to directly call the seller using their details and ask for a refund/return directly from the seller itself. This request will further be initiated for processing by the seller.
1. How do we get SnapOrder?
You can download the SnapOrder app from the PlayStore.
2. How to login to SnapOrder?
In login screen,enter the customer’s mobile number and click on Login. All the nearby stores will be displayed to the customer where he/she chooses the nearby store in My Store section. If the customer wants to add a new store, he can even do so by tapping on ‘+’ icon at the top and add the mobile no. Of that store. The selected store catalogue will be displayed.
3. How to see store offers?
In the home screen banner the customer will be able to see the products available on offer. Also in the Menu option by clicking on my store offers customer can view store offers.
4. How can customer see frequently purchased items?
In menu option, customer will have an option for selecting frequently purchased items.Customer has to click on it and he/she can check the frequently bought products. He can also see the frequently purchased items in the home screen below banner page section.
5. How can customer change his/her profile details?
In Menu option, customer can edit details by clicking on “My Profile”and change details such as name, address, pin code, etc.
6. How to turn off notifications on SnapOrder?
Go to Settings->Click on “Disable Notifications for email & SMS”
7. How can customer track orders?
Go to track your order, you’ll get tracking details of the order placed. Tap on the order to see the status of the order.
9. How can customer create his own shopping list?
In menu option or on home screen, customer can click on “My List”to have different shopping lists. He can create the shopping list and add products to this list and he can then add items from this list to add them to the cart.